What laundry detergent is banned in NY

Laundry detergent is an essential household product that most of us use on a regular basis. Recently, there have been some alarming headlines claiming that certain detergents have been “banned” in the state of New York.

Understanding the Situation

These headlines are referring to a new law that went into effect in New York at the beginning of 2022. This law sets limits on the amount of a chemical called 1,4-dioxane that is allowed to be present in certain cleaning and personal care products sold in the state.

1,4-dioxane is a solvent that is sometimes used in manufacturing processes. It is a suspected carcinogen. The new law sets the limit to trace amounts – 2 parts per million (ppm) for personal care products and 5 ppm for household cleaning products.

No Outright Bans on Specific Brands

It’s important to understand that the law does not completely ban any specific brands of laundry detergents. Detergent manufacturers have until 2024 to reformulate their products to meet the new standards if their current formulations contain higher levels of 1,4-dioxane.

Some news headlines have been worded in an alarming way, making it sound like certain major brands are already illegal to sell. This is not the case. No detergents have actually been taken off the shelves yet.

Checking if Your Detergent Complies

If you want to see if your preferred laundry detergent brand contains high levels of 1,4-dioxane, you can check their website or contact their customer service line and ask about their product’s formulation. Responsible manufacturers should provide this information openly so consumers can make informed choices.

Health Risks Need More Research

It’s still not clear what level of exposure to 1,4-dioxane may constitute a health hazard. The risks need to be studied further. But New York State government officials feel limiting consumer products to extremely low levels is a reasonable precaution while more data is gathered.

Don’t Panic, Just Become an Informed Shopper

So in summary – no specific laundry detergents are actually “banned” in NY yet. Manufacturers are being given a reasonable timeframe to tweak their formulations to comply with new guidelines limiting 1,4-dioxane.

As consumers, no need to panic. But feel empowered to make inquiries about products you use daily. Seek out information and make purchasing choices aligned with your personal priorities and comfort levels around chemical exposures.

Check brand websites for updates on formula changes coming in 2023/2024 to meet NY’s new standards. And as always, moderation is key – follow recommended dosing, ventilate spaces if using harsh chemicals, keep products safely stored away from children and pets.

Additional Facts on 1,4-Dioxane

Here are some additional facts about 1,4-dioxane and this new legislation to limit its levels in consumer products:

What Products Are Affected?

  • Laundry detergents
  • Dish soaps
  • Shampoos
  • Body washes
  • Cleaning products like all-purpose cleaners

Background on 1,4-Dioxane

  • Industrial chemical used as a solvent and byproduct
  • Used in manufacturing processes for many years
  • Present in trace amounts in many goods
  • Not an intentional ingredient added to formulas

For Context – Trace Amounts

  • 2-5 ppm is an extremely low level
  • Like 2-5 drops in over 200 gallons

Key Dates

  • New standards take effect January 1, 2022
  • Manufacturers have until 2024 to meet limits
  • No products banned from shelves yet

How I Do Laundry: My Personal Routine

In my household, I’m the one that handles the laundry duties. Over the years, I’ve figured out a system that works really well for us. Here’s a quick overview of my laundry routine using products that I carefully selected:

Sorting by Colors

  • Always sort clothes into lights and darks
  • Helps prevent colors from bleeding or fading
  • I have two hampers for pre-sorting

My Go-To Detergent

  • Tide Free and Gentle
  • Great cleaning power
  • Unscented = no harsh smells
  • Formulated for sensitive skin

Vinegar as Fabric Softener

  • Use white distilled vinegar
  • Naturally softens fabrics
  • Also removes detergent residue
  • Way cheaper than liquid softeners!

Drying & Folding

  • Try to line dry when possible to save energy
  • Always promptly fold after drying to prevent wrinkles

So there you have it – my tried and true laundry routine! Let me know if you have any other great tips.


[1] New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. “Household Cleansing Product Information.” https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/115250.html

[2] New York State Department of Health. “1,4-Dioxane in Consumer Products.” https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/investigations/eol/14-dioxane/

[3] American Cleaning Institute. “ACI Comments on New York’s Chemical Regulations.” January 2022. https://www.cleaninginstitute.org/newsroom/press-releases/2022/01/10/aci-comments-new-york’s-chemical-regulations

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