What Does the “LE” Error Code Mean on Your Washing Machine?

Getting an “LE” error code on your washing machine can be frustrating. But don’t worry – this error is usually easy to diagnose and fix.

What Does the “LE” Code Stand For?

The “LE” code stands for “Long Fill Error”. This simply means the washer did not fill up with enough water during the allotted fill time.

What Causes the “LE” Error?

There are a few common causes of the “LE” long fill error:

  • Clogged or kinked water supply hoses – This restricts water flow into the washer. Check hoses for blockages.
  • Faulty water inlet valves – The electronic inlet valves control water flow. If faulty, they may not open enough.
  • Low water pressure – If your home water pressure is too low, the washer may not fill quickly enough.

How to Fix an “LE” Error Code

Fixing an LE code is usually straightforward:

1. Check and clean water supply hoses – Unhook the hoses from the back of the washer and inspect both ends. Clean out any blockages found.

2. Check water inlet valve screens – Use a toothbrush to gently clean valve filter screens of any debris.

3. Verify adequate water pressure – Water pressure below 20 psi may cause this code. Verify home water pressure.

4. Replace any faulty inlet valves – If valves are broken, replace them. This usually clears the LE code.

5. Retry wash cycle – With hoses clear, valves cleaned and pressure verified, retry the wash. This typically resolves the fault.

When to Call a Technician

If the above steps fail to resolve your LE error code, contact an appliance repair technician. A technician can diagnose issues with valves, pressure switches, control boards and other components. They can also confirm that inlet valves are functioning properly.

So in summary, an LE code means the washer didn’t fill up in the normal timeframe. In most cases, a few simple DIY troubleshooting steps clears up the problem. But for any underlying or complex issues, a technician can properly diagnose and fix the washer.

I hope this breakdown helps explain what an LE error code means and how to get your washer filling properly again! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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