Can A Washing Machine Be Transported On Its Side?

Transporting a washing machine laying down on its side is often necessary when moving homes or delivering a new appliance. While it may seem concerning to lay what is typically an upright appliance on its side, washing machines are designed to allow for safe transportation in this manner with proper precautions.

Checking Manufacturer Guidelines

The first step before transporting any washing machine is to consult the user manual or manufacturer guidelines. Appliance manufacturers provide specifications for safe handling procedures based on the make and model.

Most conventional top-loading and front-loading washing machines contain suspension rods, shock absorbers, or balance rings that stabilize the tub during operation. Transporting the unit on its side typically does not damage these components as long as the move is done slowly and carefully.

Protecting Interior Components

However, many washing machines have electronic control boards, sensors, valves, hoses, and motors that could shift or sustain impacts while being laid down. Protecting the interior is often as simple as bolting down transit bolts or foam blocks before the move.

Again, check the user manual for how to secure internal washing machine parts. Transit bolts prevent the tub from rotating loosely and disconnect hoses that may leak or burst. Foam blocks cushion sensors, valves, and electronics from sudden jostling.

Steady Lifting And Movement

The actual process of tipping the appliance onto its side and into a moving truck while in this position puts the most physical stress on the frame. Yet washing machines are built sturdy enough to handle the shifting weight and forces.

The key is to lift slowly at the base on both sides and make gentle, steady movements. Do not tilt from the top or middle section only as this angle can snap interior mounts. Strapping the machine tightly to the transport vehicle also minimizes shaking that can loosen fasteners.

Appropriate Reinstallation

Finally, when delivered to the new location, the washing machine must be carefully returned to an upright position. Refer to installation procedures to ensure the unit gets adequately bolted to the floor for stability. Removing transit bolts, foam blocks, and restoring disconnected hoses are critical steps before using the washing machine again.

Proper transportation precautions go a long way to preventing damage when a washing machine needs to be moved on its side. Following manufacturer guidelines makes transporting washing machines safely on their sides straightforward. With some planning and gentle handling, household appliances can arrive at a new home ready for operation.


Maytag Commercial Laundry. “Transporting Your Maytag Commercial Washer and Dryer Safely.” Accessed January 22, 2024.

Amana. “Transporting Your Washer.” Accessed January 22, 2024.

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