Can Washing Machines Dry Clothes Completely?

Washing machines have come a long way in their functionality and features. With advanced technology and innovations, many modern washing machines now have built-in dryers that can completely dry your clothes.

How Washing Machine Dryers Work

Washing machine dryers work by tumbling and circulating hot air through the drum to remove moisture from fabrics. They have temperature and dryness level settings so you can customize the drying process for your laundry load.

Some key aspects of how washing machine dryers effectively dry clothes include:

  • Heat: Washing machine dryers generate heat, usually with an electric heating element or gas burner. Heat helps evaporate the moisture.
  • Airflow: The dryer drum rotates to tumble the clothes, allowing hot air to circulate evenly around the fabrics. This continuous airflow dries the items.
  • Venting: Most dryers have a venting system that exhausts humid air and brings in fresh, dry air to aid in moisture removal.

Advantages of Washing Machine Dryers

Washing machine dryers with built-in drying capabilities offer several useful benefits:

  • All-in-one functionality: You can wash and dry loads in the same machine, which is very convenient. No need to move wet clothes from the washer to a separate dryer.
  • Energy and space efficient: Using one machine that both washes and dries saves energy because you’re using one appliance rather than two separate ones. It also reduces appliance footprint in your laundry room.
  • Effective drying ability: With modern sensors and technology, washing machine dryers can detect moisture levels and automatically adjust drying cycles to thoroughly dry fabrics.

Can They Dry Clothes Completely?

The short answer – yes, washing machine dryers can fully dry clothes and linens when used properly.

Here are some tips to ensure your washing machine dryer dries effectively:

  • Wash clothes in the appropriate cycle and spin them at high speeds to remove excess water before drying. Too much moisture makes drying difficult.
  • Ensure the dryer drum isn’t overloaded and there’s enough space for airflow. This helps clothes dry faster and more evenly.
  • Clean the lint filter before every load to increase air circulation efficiency.
  • Use the moisture sensor drying option (if your machine has it) so it automatically shuts off when clothes reach the desired dryness level.

With the right washing machine dryer and proper usage methods, you can successfully get clothes, linens, and fabrics completely dry with an efficient, all-in-one wash and dry system. The technology has improved to the point where built-in washing machine drying performs on par with separate stand-alone dryers.


Whirlpool Corporation. What to Know About Using a Washer/Dryer Combo Machine.

Electrolux. Washing Machines with Built-In Dryers.

CNET. Washing Machines That Dry Clothes Are Convenient Space-Savers.

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