How Laundry Shops Work

Laundry shops provide a convenient service for washing, drying, and folding laundry. Instead of doing it yourself at home, you can drop off your dirty clothes and pick up clean ones a few days later. But have you ever wondered what exactly goes on behind the scenes at a laundry facility? Let’s take a closer look at the step-by-step process.

Intake and Sorting

When you first drop off your laundry, an attendant logs it into the system and inspects each item. This allows them to take notes on stains or damages and determine the best cleaning method for each fabric type. The laundry is then sorted into loads – lights, darks, delicates, and household items like sheets and towels. This sorting ensures clothes get washed properly at the right temperatures with compatible items.


After sorting, the batches of laundry are loaded into large capacity commercial washers. These machines can handle very large loads – up to 75 pounds! The attendants add specific amounts of detergent, bleach, and other chemical cleaners tailored to each load’s soil level and fabric type. The machines wash with intense cleaning action at high spin speeds. This specialized equipment allows thorough cleaning in less time.


Once washed, the wet laundry moves to commercial dryers that can hold massive loads. Attendants regularly check dryness levels to prevent over-drying. They may re-sort items mid-cycle based on dry times. Proper drying is key to avoiding shrinkage and wrinkles. The powerful dryers quickly remove moisture even from heavy items like bedding using very high heat.


After drying, laundry may need additional processing like ironing, steaming, rolling, folding, and hanging. Laundry facilities often have large automated machines to speed up finishing. Employees will hand finish finer items like dress shirts. Quality checks ensure no leftover stains, odors, or wrinkles remain before returning cleaned laundry to the customer.

As you can see, there’s a lot more going on at the laundromat than throwing clothes into a washer! The heavy duty commercial equipment and streamlined processes allow them to efficiently clean high volumes of laundry to quality standards. So next time you drop off a bag dirty clothes, you’ll know what’s happening behind the scenes to get them fresh and clean again.


Linen Technology. “The Commercial Laundry Process Breakdown.” Accessed January 18, 2024.

Ocean Park Laundry. “What Really Happens at the Laundry Facility?” Updated December 15, 2023. https://www.oceanparkl

Sullivans Launderers & Cleaners. “Behind the Scenes at a Commercial Laundry Plant.” Accessed January 18, 2024.

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