How to remove fabric softener stains from clothing

We’ve all been there – you add a bit too much fabric softener to the wash and next thing you know, your favorite shirt or pants have gross white splotches all over them. Fabric softener stains can be super frustrating, but don’t worry – with some simple ingredients and techniques, you can get them out!

What Causes Fabric Softener Stains?

Fabric softener contains chemicals that help loosen fabric fibers and prevent static cling. When too much is used, it leaves a waxy residue behind that dries into whitish stains on clothing. Dark or brightly colored fabrics tend to show the stains more noticeably.

Act Quickly for Best Results

It’s important to treat fabric softener stains as soon as possible after washing. The longer they sit, the harder they’ll be to remove. So don’t let them set in!

Try Re-washing First

Your first step should be to re-wash the stained item before you try any stain removal methods. The wash cycle alone might lift the stain, so it’s worth a shot!

  • Shake as much excess softener off the clothing as you can before rewashing
  • Wash in hot water with a stain fighting detergent but NO fabric softener
  • Air dry the clothing and check if the stain is gone
  • If not gone, move on to manual stain removal

Homemade Stain Removers

If re-washing alone doesn’t cut it, try these homemade fabric softener stain removers:


The acetic acid in white vinegar helps dissolve sticky residues. Mix equal parts vinegar and water and spray or sponge onto the stain. Let sit 1 hour before washing.

Rubbing Alcohol

The solvent properties make rubbing alcohol effective at breaking down waxes and oils. Use 90% isopropyl alcohol for best results. Saturate the stain fully and let sit for 30 minutes before washing.

Dish Soap

Dawn and other grease-cutting dish soaps can lift fabric softener oils. Apply a few drops directly on the stain and gently scrub with a toothbrush. Rinse and repeat until the stain fades, then wash.

Lemon Juice

Fresh lemon juice contains citric acid that can dissolve fabric softener stains. Squeeze juice onto the stain and let soak for at least 2 hours in sunlight, then wash. The sun’s UV rays boost the destaining effects.

Laundry Booster Additives

In addition to home remedies, there are some commercial products that help remove lingering fabric softener stains:

  • RLR Laundry Treatment – popular booster that clarifies and degreases
  • Carbona Stain Devils #2 – stain remover made for grease and oil
  • Out White Brite – whitening booster good for dingy stains

Mix any of these as directed into your wash along with detergent. Check clothing tags first.

Prevention is Ideal

Getting into a good laundry routine can prevent fabric softener stains in the first place:

  • Measure fabric softener carefully and follow guidelines on the bottle
  • Use only 1-2 tablespoons per full load
  • Dilute softener with water before adding to wash or dispenser
  • Skip the softener on delicate fabrics like silks and denims
  • Always wait to add softener in final rinse stage

With some handy removal tips and preventative measures, you can keep fabrics softener-stain-free for good! Those annoying spots don’t stand a chance.


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