How to Remove Maple Syrup Stains from Clothing

Maple syrup is delicious on pancakes and waffles, but it can be pesky when spilled on your favorite shirt or pants. Don’t worry – maple syrup stains can be removed from clothing with some tried and true methods. Read on to learn all my best tips and tricks to get maple syrup out of fabric.

What You’ll Need

  • White vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Warm water
  • Clean washcloth or sponge
  • Laundry pre-treatment spray (optional)
  • Washing machine

Gather these supplies before starting to tackle maple syrup stains. The key ingredients are an acid like vinegar to break down the sugar, soap to lift it out, and warm water.

Act Quickly!

It’s important to treat maple syrup stains as soon as possible after they happen. Fresh stains come out much easier than dried, set-in ones. Blot any excess syrup immediately with a clean cloth or paper towel. Don’t let it dry and stick to the fabric.

Soak in Vinegar Solution

Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water. Enough to fully submerge the stained area of clothing. For smaller stains, pouring vinegar directly onto the stain then dabbing gently also works. Let it soak for 10-15 minutes. This allows the vinegar to begin dissolving the sugars.

Scrub With Soap

Next, apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the stain. Using your fingernails, gently scrub the soap into the fabric. You can also use an old toothbrush for scrubbing. The soap will start lifting the staining away.


Once scrubbed, rinse the clothing under warm running water. For heavier stains, soak and rinse with vinegar and soap a second time before washing normally.

Use Laundry Pre-Treatment

(Optional) If any staining remains before washing, spray laundry pre-treatment onto the area according to product instructions. There are many pre-wash sprays and stick formulas made to boost stain removal. Let it set in for 5-10 minutes before washing.

Wash as Usual

Toss the clothing into the washing machine and launder as usual with your regular detergent. Wash using the warmest recommended water setting. The heat will help release any remaining staining. Avoid using fabric softener as it could set in sticky residue.

Air Dry

When finished washing, avoid the dryer! Always air dry stained items to prevent heat setting any leftover syrup discoloration into the fabric. Hang or lay flat in the sunshine. The sun’s UV rays naturally brighten and remove stains.

Repeat if Needed

Check clothing once fully dried. If any faint staining remains, simply repeat the soaking, scrubbing and washing process until it’s gone. Maple syrup stains don’t stand a chance against these effective removal methods!

Avoid Ironing

It’s also best not to immediately iron stained clothing after washing. Too much heat can accidentally set in staining or make it harder to remove if it needs more cleaning. Only iron once you’ve confirmed all traces of the maple syrup stain is gone.

I hope these tips help you easily get maple syrup out of your clothing! Armed with vinegar, soap and elbow grease, you can banish sticky maple spills. Use these removal methods right after a stain occurs, and your favorite shirt will look sweet as new again.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other great maple syrup stain fixes! I’d love to learn new laundry tricks. And next time you drizzle syrup, be extra careful not to splatter!


  • Good Housekeeping: How to Remove Syrup Stains from Clothes
  • Martha Stewart: Removing Syrup Stains
  • Tide: How to Get Maple Syrup Out of Clothes

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