How to Remove Pine Resin Stains from Clothing

Pine resin stains can be tricky to remove from clothing. The sticky sap contains chemicals that can really set into fabric. But don’t lose hope! With some household products and a little elbow grease, you can get those pesky pine resin stains out.

What You’ll Need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Dish soap
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Old toothbrush
  • Paper towels
  • Bucket for soaking
  • Laundry detergent

Step 1: Act Quickly

When you first notice a pine resin stain, act quickly! The faster you can treat the stain, the better chance you have of removing it. Don’t let it set in. Gently scrape off any excess pine resin with a dull knife or spoon. Try to remove as much as possible before moving onto other removal methods.

Step 2: Soak the Stained Area

Fill a bucket with very hot water and add about a cup of white vinegar. For smaller stains, you can substitute a bowl instead. Carefully place the stained clothing into the soak solution. Let it sit for at least an hour, longer for tougher stains. The heat and acidity of the vinegar will help break down the pine resin.

Step 3: Make a Cleaning Paste

While your clothing is soaking, mix up a cleaning paste. Add two tablespoons each of baking soda and dish soap into a small bowl. Then stir in just enough rubbing alcohol to make a thick paste. The texture should be pasty and spreadable. Set this homemade stain remover aside for later.

Step 4: Gently Scrub

After soaking, use an old toothbrush and your cleaning paste to gently scrub the fabric. Take care not to damage delicate materials. Apply plenty of elbow grease to work the solvents and abrasives into the stain. Rinse the clothing thoroughly when finished scrubbing.

Step 5: Launder as Usual

At this point, the pine resin stain should be gone or greatly reduced. For best results, launder the clothing as usual with laundry detergent and warm water. The mechanical action of the washer will help release any remaining residue. Let the garment air dry, then check if the stain is fully removed.

Step 6: Repeat Process if Needed

Pine resin stains can be stubborn. If your clothing still has signs of the sap stain after washing, just repeat the entire process again. Soak, make a new paste, scrub, and wash once more. With perseverance, you can conquer these sticky stains!

Removing pine resin stains takes a little time and effort, but saves you from having to throw out clothes! With the right techniques, most sap stains can be successfully removed at home without costly dry cleaning bills. Just remember to act quickly when you first notice them, and don’t give up too soon.

Those pesky pine resin stains are no match for some household products and determination! Have you ever removed this kind of stain before? Let me know in the comments if you have any other tricks for fighting pine sap stains!


Stain Removal 101: How to Remove Pine Sap from Fabric. Tide.

How to Get Pine Sap Out of Clothes in 6 Easy Steps. Cleaning Services Group.

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