How to use laundry pods at the laundromat

Doing laundry at a laundromat can be a bit intimidating if you’ve never done it before. Lugging bags of dirty clothes, counting quarters, choosing the right settings—it can get overwhelming.How to use laundry pods at the laundromat

That’s why laundry pods have become so popular. They take a lot of the guesswork out of doing laundry by condensing detergent, fabric softener, and other laundry products into one pre-measured, dissolvable packet.

But can you use laundry pods at a public laundromat? Absolutely! When used properly, laundry pods are just as effective in a shared washing machine as they are at home.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully use laundry pods at the laundromat, from start to fluffy, fresh-smelling finish.

Gather Your Laundry and Supplies

The first step to tackling laundry away from home is gathering everything you’ll need and packing it up to schlep to the laundromat.

You’ll want to collect all your dirty clothes and linens and sort them by fabric and color into bags or baskets. This will make it easier to do separate loads at the laundromat.

Be sure to bring enough laundry pods for the number of loads you plan to do. Most pods are designed for one average load. Underestimating will leave you short, but a couple extra won’t go to waste.

And don’t forget the quarters! Check the prices listed on the machines at your chosen laundromat so you know exactly how much money to bring. Having to run out for more quarters mid-cycle is no fun.

Finally, you may want to pack supplies to keep you occupied while waiting for loads to finish—a book, laptop, snacks, etc. Doing laundry away from home tends to take a bit longer. Come prepared to settle in.

Choose the Right Washer

Once you arrive at the laundromat, take a good look around before choosing a machine. Notice the different sizes, settings, and features offered.

Ideally you’ll want a large-capacity washer that allows you to select your own wash cycles. Avoid small apartment-sized units without customizable settings. These are less likely to fully dissolve pods and rinse away residues.

Also take note of the instructions posted near the washer, which may indicate size limits, approved wash products, and other guidelines. If laundry pods are prohibited, you’ll have to purchase powder or liquid detergent from an on-site vending machine instead.

Read Pod Packaging Carefully

If pods get the green light, don’t just toss one in the drum and start the wash. First read the usage instructions on the packaging.

Laundry pods often have specific guidelines around water temperature, cycle selection, and load size. Using them incorrectly can impact cleaning performance or leave behind messy residue.

Pay close attention to details like:

  • Intended wash cycle: Normal, permanent press, delicate, etc.
  • Ideal water temperature: Warm, hot, cold
  • Load limits: Some pods work for all sizes while others specify standard or high efficiency only

Following these instructions is key for ideal results from your laundry pods.

Load the Washer Properly

Once you’ve selected the right settings, it’s time to load up the laundry. How you place items in the drum can affect cleaning.

Aim to leave plenty of space around garments and linens so water and detergent can easily penetrate the fabric. Overstuffing will inhibit movement and make it harder for the pod to fully dissolve.

Separate large items like sheets and towels to prevent them from tangling and knotting up. Layer loose items between heavier pieces so nothing gets balled up.

Zip zippers, latch hooks, and tie strings to prevent snagging and tearing during the wash cycle. Doing so will help your clothes last longer.

Add the Laundry Pod

With your washer loaded and set, it’s finally time to add the main event—the magical laundry pod!

Many washers have a designated pod dispenser you can use. Simply open the dispenser flap and drop in a single pod. Shut the flap tightly to keep it enclosed.

If there’s no dispenser, go ahead and toss the pod directly in the drum on top of your laundry. Avoid throwing it in with the door closed as it could hit the small window and splatter.

Only use one laundry pod per average size load. Using too little detergent won’t get clothes clean, but adding more pods than directed typically doesn’t improve results. Stick to directions to prevent waste and residue build-up.

Start the Cycle

The last step is starting your selected wash cycle with the pod inside. Double check you chose the right settings recommended on the pod packaging before hitting start.

Many washers will automatically lock during operation. Others may not lock but could show a warning light when in use. Be sure to follow all posted safety guidelines.

With soap, water, and mechanics working together, now you can kick back until the cycle finishes! Just don’t wander too far in case any issues arise.

Dry and Fold Your Laundry

The fun doesn’t stop after the washing machine. For complete laundromat care, you’ll also want to dry and fold all your fresh, clean clothes and linens once finished.

First, transfer them straight from the washer to a dryer so they don’t sit damp. Choose a cycle and temperature setting suited for each fabric type.

Then comes the tedious chore of folding. But don’t just shove everything loosely back into bags and baskets! Take some time to neatly fold each item using laundromat tables or countertops.

Your clothes will stay tidy and wrinkle-free much easier after being washed properly with laundry pods and neatly folded. Now lug home your bags and enjoy having cleaner laundry for less effort!

Recap and Tips

And there you have it—everything you need to know to effectively use laundry pods at any public laundromat!

To recap the key steps:

  • Sort all laundry by fabric/color into bags/baskets
  • Pack enough pods and quarters
  • Choose a large-capacity washer with custom settings
  • Read pod usage instructions carefully
  • Load the washer properly, leaving space
  • Add just one pod to the drum or dispenser
  • Select the right cycle and start the washer
  • Transfer to dryer immediately after washing
  • Fold laundry neatly before heading home

Sticking to these guidelines will leave you with perfectly clean clothes and zero sticky residue or cleaning issues from the pods.

A few extra pro tips:

  • Set a timer so you don’t lose track of finished loads
  • Bring a laundry organizer to easily transport and sort clothes
  • Wash delicates and whites separate from colors
  • Use a drying rack for air-drying sweaters and delicate fabrics

What questions do you have about tackling laundry on the go with pods? Share your best laundromat hacks and tips in the comments below!


Tide PODS. “How to Use Tide PODS.” Tide,

Persil. “How to Use Laundry Detergent Pods/Capsules.” Persil,

The Laundress. “How to Use a Laundromat & Laundry Pods.” The Laundress,

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