Why Does My Laundry Smell Like Fish?

It can be unpleasant and confusing when you take clothes out of the washing machine or dryer and they have a fishy odor. Don’t worry – with some troubleshooting, you can likely get to the bottom of the situation.

Ruling Out the Obvious

First, double check that there isn’t any actual fish or seafood residue on the clothes. Make sure to check pockets and seams carefully. Also inspect the washing machine drum for any debris or buildup.

When There’s No Fish to Blame

If you confirm there’s no physical fish or seafood causing the smell, it’s time to consider some other common culprits:

Detergent Buildup

Over time, residue from laundry detergent and fabric softener can build up in the washer. This buildup often smells unpleasant, including like fish. Try running an empty wash cycle with hot water and either vinegar or baking soda to clean out the machine.

Using Too Much Detergent

Similarly, using more detergent than is recommended by the manufacturer can lead to buildup on clothes that smells fishy over time. Be sure to measure carefully based on load size.

Drainage Issues

If your washing machine drainage system gets clogged, small amounts of water can stagnate and grow odor-causing bacteria. Try using a drain cleaner to remove buildup. Checking for kinks in drainage hoses can also help keep water flowing properly.

Mold and Mildew

The damp, humid environment of a washer and dryer can promote mold growth, which gives off that telltale fishy smell. Running cleaning cycles with bleach or vinegar can help kill mold and mildew. Leaving the door open between cycles also cuts down on moisture.

Fabric Softener Sheets

While helpful in many ways, dryer sheets are a known culprit when it comes to stinky laundry. The slippery coating they leave behind on clothes can go rancid and smell like fish. Skip the dryer sheets next time and see if it makes a difference.

Solutions for Fresh Smelling Laundry

If you’ve troubleshooted and tried all the typical fixes, here are a few more vigorous approaches:

  • Soak smelly clothes for several hours in a mixture of oxygen bleach powder, baking soda, and hot water before washing
  • Wash clothes with a cups of white vinegar – its acidity kills odor-causing bacteria
  • Use detergent made specifically for odor elimination
  • Air dry clothes instead of machine drying them

When to Call a Professional

If you continue having trouble pinpointing or eliminating the cause of the fishy smell, it may be worthwhile to have your washing machine professionally serviced. A technician can diagnose and fix any mechanical or drainage issues leading to built-up gunk and bacteria.

The good news is clothes that smell like fish can be saved! With consistent troubleshooting and cleaning habits, you can keep your laundry fresh. Don’t live with stinky clothes – take control by getting to the bottom of what’s causing the odor.


American Cleaning Institute. “How to Get Rid of Smelly Washer.” American Cleaning Institute, 29 Nov. 2022, https://www.cleaninginstitute.org/cleaning-tips/clothes/how-get-rid-smelly-washer

Rosenthal, Elisabeth. “Why Do My Clothes Smell After Washing?” The Spruce, 28 Sept. 2022, https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-remove-smell-from-clothes-2146603

Whirlpool. “Why Do My Clothes Smell Musty After Washing?” Whirlpool, https://www.whirlpool.com/everyday-care/fabric-care/why-do-my-clothes-smell-musty-after-washing.html

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