Will laundry detergent kill bed bugs?

Bedbugs are a huge nuisance that can quickly infest homes and cause endless frustration. Getting rid of them involves thorough inspection, cleaning and treatment, but doing laundry properly is an often overlooked part of managing bedbugs. The good news is that certain common laundry detergents can actually kill bedbugs on contact in the wash! Keep reading to learn which detergents kill bedbugs and how to use them to protect your home.

Look For Laundry Detergents With Specific Ingredients

Not all laundry detergents are effective at killing bedbugs and their eggs. You need to look for detergents that contain either of these two active ingredients:


This synthetic insecticide is extremely effective at knocking out bedbugs. Make sure any detergent contains 0.15-0.50% permethrin concentration for reliable results.


This ingredient also has insecticidal properties, although it may not be quite as potent on bedbugs as permethrin. But it will still kill a good number of the bugs and eggs in the wash.

Check the ingredient label before buying a detergent – these chemicals are powerful bedbug exterminators so make sure yours contains one of them! Some good options are products like Sawyer Permethrin Clothing Treatment, and various permethrin-based lice killing shampoos.

How To Wash Items Infested With Bedbugs

Once you’ve picked up an effective bedbug killing laundry detergent, washing items is straightforward:

First, inspect clothes, linens and other washable items closely for live bugs. Remove them manually and crush them before laundering.

Next, load items into the washing machine drum. Don’t overload it – leave room for thorough agitation.

Measure out detergent per the product label. Use HOT water on the highest wash and rinse cycle settings. Heat boosts the insecticidal ingredients!

Dry on HIGH heat for a minimum of 30 minutes. High temperatures continue killing bugs and eggs after washing.

That’s all it takes! Repeated hot washes and dries ensure you’ve eliminated egg hatching and future infestations.

Alternative Options If You Can’t Wash Items

Sometimes heavily infested mattresses, furniture and other household items can’t easily be washed with insecticidal detergents. In that case, here are some alternate treatment methods that also kill bedbugs effectively:

  • Professional steamers reach extremely high temps that instantly kill bedbugs. Various models are available for furniture, mattresses, carpets and drapes.
  • Portable heat chambers let you enclose an infested item and heat it above 115°F to kill the bugs. Eggs die at 122°F.
  • Pesticide sprays that include the synergized pyrethroids like deltamethrin can eliminate bedbugs, though read all precautions.

So in summary – yes, you really can kill laundry detergent with certain powerful detergents! Plus there are other effective backup options if items can’t go in the wash. With diligence, you can send these nuisance bugs packing for good!


University of Kentucky College of Agriculture – Washing to Control Bed Bugs

United States Environmental Protection Agency – Controlling Bed Bugs

WebMD – Fighting Bed Bugs

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