
Can a Washing Machine Kill Parvo?

A common question for any dog owner these days is “can a washing machine kill parvo?” As most know, canine parvovirus is an extremely contagious and dangerous virus that causes severe gastrointestinal issues in dogs. Thankfully, the hot water and soap from a washing machine provides a practical way to sanitize potentially contaminated items. High ... Read more

The Invention of the Washing Machine

The washing machine is one of those inventions that seems like it’s always been there, making clean clothes an easy part of our everyday lives. But of course it had to be invented at some point. So when and how did washing machines first come about? Who thought up this clever contraption that takes care ... Read more

Why Does My Toilet Bubble When the Washing Machine Drains?

If you’ve noticed gurgling sounds or bubbles coming from your toilet when your washing machine drains, you’re not alone. This strange phenomenon is actually pretty common in homes with older plumbing. The good news is that while it may be annoying, it’s usually not a sign of anything seriously wrong. Backflow from Your Sewer Line ... Read more

What Does the “UE” Error Code Mean on Your Washing Machine?

Seeing a ‘UE’ error code flash up on the display panel of your washing machine can be confusing and concerning. But not to worry – this code is generally harmless and easy to address. ‘UE’ error code means an ‘Unbalanced Load’ is detected during the spin cycle In most washing machine models, ‘UE’ represents an ... Read more

What Does the “SUD” Error Code Mean on Your Washing Machine?

Seeing a cryptic error code flash on your washing machine display can be confusing and concerning. The good news is that “SUD” is typically an easy issue to identify and resolve yourself. Determining the Meaning of “SUD” “SUD” stands for “Suds Detected.” This simply means that your washing machine has sensed there is an excessive ... Read more

How Does a Washing Machine Heat Water?

A washing machine’s ability to heat water is an extremely useful feature that improves cleaning performance. The process of heating water in a washer is actually quite fascinating when you understand the mechanics behind it. In this post, we’ll explore the step-by-step details so you can appreciate this technology that makes doing laundry more convenient. ... Read more

Can a Washing Machine Stain Clothes?

No, a washing machine itself does not typically cause stains on clothes. However, there are some instances where stains can occur or get worse in the wash. With proper use and care, washing machines are designed to clean clothes without damaging them. What Causes Stains in the Wash While the washing machine itself does not ... Read more

Why Your Washing Machine Isn’t Ruining Your Clothes

We’ve all been there – you throw your favorite shirt or a new pair of jeans into the wash and when they come out, you notice mysterious holes, tears, fraying seams or other damage. Your first reaction is probably to blame the washing machine. However, while washing machines can be rough on clothes, the issues ... Read more

Can a washing machine drum be fixed?

A common issue many people face is a broken or damaged washing machine drum. When the inner drum stops spinning properly or makes loud noises, it’s understandable to worry that the entire machine needs replacement. However, in many cases, the washing machine drum can be fixed rather than replaced. Assessing the Damage The first step ... Read more

Can a washing machine overflow?

Washing machines are designed to fill with water, agitate your clothes to clean them, and then drain. However, there are situations that can cause your washing machine to overflow and leak water onto the floor. The good news is that washing machine overflows are usually preventable if you understand what causes them and how to ... Read more