
Can Laundry Detergent Kill Cockroaches?

Yes, laundry detergent can kill cockroaches. The soaps and surfactants strip away the outer protective layer on the roach’s exoskeleton. Without this waxy barrier, the roach loses moisture and dries out. The detergent may also irritate or burn the roach’s breathing pores along their body. This can suffocate the insect. Enzymes and bleaches may also ... Read more

Can Laundry Sanitizer Kill Mold?

Mold is a common problem in washing machines and laundry rooms. The damp, warm environment is the perfect place for mold to grow. Not only is mold smelly and unpleasant to deal with, some types of mold release spores that can cause allergic reactions or respiratory problems. Laundry sanitizers are products designed to kill bacteria ... Read more

Can Cascade Be Used For Laundry?

Cascade is a popular dishwasher detergent made by Procter & Gamble. With its grease-fighting power and sudsy formula, some people wonder if Cascade can also be effective as a laundry detergent. Evaluating Cascade as a Laundry Detergent Cascade is formulated specifically for use in automatic dishwashers. Its ingredients and concentration are optimized to cut through ... Read more

Can Laundry Detergent Unclog a Toilet?

Laundry detergent is often claimed to be a handy household item that can tackle clogged toilets. The idea is that the cleaning agents in laundry detergent can help break down and dissolve blockages, providing an easy fix when you don’t have a commercial drain cleaner on hand. But is this actually effective or safe for ... Read more

How Laundry Shops Work

Laundry shops provide a convenient service for washing, drying, and folding laundry. Instead of doing it yourself at home, you can drop off your dirty clothes and pick up clean ones a few days later. But have you ever wondered what exactly goes on behind the scenes at a laundry facility? Let’s take a closer ... Read more

How laundry was done in the 1800s?

Laundry in the 1800s was very different from how we clean our clothes today. With no washing machines or dryers, it was an incredibly labor-intensive and time-consuming task. Women spent entire days every week washing huge piles of dirty clothes, sheets, and towels for their families. Despite the drudgery, keeping clean linens was considered a ... Read more

Can Laundry Detergent Cause Eye Irritation?

Laundry detergent is a common household product that most of us use on a regular basis. But if you’ve ever gotten some in your eyes accidentally, you know it can be quite unpleasant! The burning, stinging sensation leaves you desperately rinsing your eyes at the sink. This leads to the question – can laundry detergent ... Read more

What’s the best? Laundry powder vs liquid vs pods

Laundry day—whether you love it or hate it, it’s a chore that has to get done. And we all want our clothes to come out fresh, clean, and bright. But what’s the best laundry detergent to get the job done? I tested out powder, liquid, and pod/capsule detergents to see how they compare. Powder Detergent ... Read more

How to do your laundry without a washing machine

Doing laundry without a washing machine may seem daunting, but with some simple tools and techniques, it can be done effectively. Not only is it cost-effective, but it has environmental benefits as well since you avoid the energy and water usage of a machine. In this post, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to ... Read more

How to use laundry pods at the laundromat

Doing laundry at a laundromat can be a bit intimidating if you’ve never done it before. Lugging bags of dirty clothes, counting quarters, choosing the right settings—it can get overwhelming.How to use laundry pods at the laundromat That’s why laundry pods have become so popular. They take a lot of the guesswork out of doing ... Read more