washing machine

Why Does My Washing Machine Stop Mid-Cycle With Water Inside?

There are a few possible reasons why your washing machine might be stopping before the cycle finishes with water still inside the drum. But not to worry – this issue can usually be resolved fairly easily at home. Blocked or Clogged Water Pumps One of the most common culprits for a mid-cycle stoppage is a ... Read more

What Does the “OE” Error Code Mean on Your Washing Machine?

You throw a load of laundry into your washing machine, add detergent, turn it on, and walk away. When you come back later, you find your clothes sitting in water and an “OE” error code flashing on your display. Uh oh. Now what does that mean and what should you do? Don’t worry, the “OE” ... Read more

What Does the “LE” Error Code Mean on Your Washing Machine?

Getting an “LE” error code on your washing machine can be frustrating. But don’t worry – this error is usually easy to diagnose and fix. What Does the “LE” Code Stand For? The “LE” code stands for “Long Fill Error”. This simply means the washer did not fill up with enough water during the allotted ... Read more

What Does the “E2” Error Code Mean on Your Washing Machine?

You head down to the laundry room, toss your clothes into the washing machine, add detergent, turn it on and walk away. Thirty minutes later you come back to soggy, sudsy clothes that have not been washed. Frustrating! You check the display and see an “E2” error code. What does this mean and what should ... Read more

What Does the “E1” Error Code Mean on Your Washing Machine?

You go to start a load of laundry, but when you turn on your washing machine, you see an “E1” error code pop up on the display. Uh oh, that doesn’t seem good. But what does it actually mean? And what should you do about it? Don’t worry, this guide has got you covered on ... Read more

Why Can’t I Open My Washing Machine Filter?

Having trouble getting your washing machine filter open? Don’t worry – with a few troubleshooting tips, you’ll likely have it open in no time. Check for Debris Buildup Over time, lint, dirt, soap residue, and other debris can accumulate in the filter and make it difficult to open. First, make sure your washing machine is ... Read more

Can a Washing Machine Wash Shoes?

Washing shoes in your washing machine is perfectly safe if you follow the right steps. Washing machines have come a long way in recent years and most modern washing machines now have settings specifically for shoes and other delicate items. Read on to learn everything you need to know about safely and effectively washing shoes ... Read more

Will a Washing Machine Kill Moths?

Running your clothes through the washing machine is an effective way to kill moth eggs and larvae that may be living in the fabric fibers. The combination of hot water, detergent, and agitation helps eliminate these pesky insects. Keep reading to learn why using your washer is one of the best ways to sanitize cloth ... Read more

Can Your Washing Machine Kill Norovirus?

Norovirus, sometimes called the “stomach flu,” causes nearly 21 million cases of acute gastroenteritis each year in the United States. This highly contagious virus spreads easily from person to person and through contamination of food or surfaces. Fortunately, norovirus doesn’t live very long outside the body, and basic household cleaners can kill it. But what ... Read more

Can a Washing Machine Remove Dog Hair?

If you have a dog that sheds a lot or just got back from a walk with a hairy pooch, you may be wondering if throwing your clothes in the washing machine will get rid of all that fur. The good news is that yes, a washing machine can remove a significant amount of dog ... Read more

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